What this bibliography is about
Musicologists, just like literary scholars or art historians, make a living by teaching and writing: books, articles, entries for reference works. That is what I
did myself. In the course of a professional life, quite a few titles are bound to be produced. The listing here below includes those that I would like my colleagues and friends to read. Better
than others they reflect what my interests and areas of research have been. Most titles are in English, a few in Italian, French, and German.
With Linda Barwick (eds.), Out of Place and Time: Italian and Australian Perspectives on Italian Music in
Australia, Lyrebird, Melbourne, 2012.
What Makes Music European – Looking Beyond Sound. Series: Europea, Ethnomusicologies and Modernities,
Scarecrow Press, 2012.
Musica e sociologia: una breve storia, Milano, Ricordi, 1996.
Contributions to Reference Works
“Classical Music”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE
Reference, Vol. II, 2019, 561-567.
“Composition”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE
Reference, Vol II, 2019, 618-623.
“Isolation”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE Reference,
Vol. III, 2019, 1204-1206.
“Mediterranean”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE
Reference, Vol. III, 2019, 618-623.
“Music, Definitions of”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE
Reference, Vol. III, 2019, 1507-1511.
“Zoomusicology”, Janet Sturman (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Los Angeles: SAGE
Reference, Vol. V, 2019, 2411-2414.
“Musica come rappresentazione e affermazione dell’identità nelle musiche tradizionali e le musiche
occidentali”, in Jean-Jacques Nattiez (general ed.), Enciclopedia della Musica, V (L’unità della musica),
Torino, Einaudi, 2005, pp. 1116-1129; also in Jean-Jacques Nattiez (general ed.), “Représentation et
affirmation de l'identité dans les musiques occidentales et non occidentales”, Musiques, Une encyclopédie
du XXI ème siècle, Éd. Actes Sud / Cité de la musique, Volume 5, 2005, pp. 1127-1153.
“Economia, società e modi del far musica nelle culture tradizionali”, in Jean-Jacques Nattiez (general ed.),
Enciclopedia della Musica, III (La prospettiva interculturale), Torino, Einaudi, 2003, pp. 505-538; also in
Jean-Jacques Nattiez (general ed.), “Contextes socioéconomiques et pratiques musicales dans les
cultures traditionelles”, Musiques, Une encyclopédie du XXI ème siècle, Volume 3: Éd. Actes Sud / Cité de la
musique, 2005, pp. 559-592.
“Italy” in James Porter, Timothy Rice and Chris Goertzen (eds.), Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: Europe,
New York, 2000, pp. 604- 625.
“Popular Music in Europe,” in James Porter, Timothy Rice and Chris Goertzen (eds.), Garland Encyclopedia of
World Music: Europe, New York, 2000, pp. 204- 213.
Contributions to collective volumes and books by other authors
“Kulturkreise, Culture Areas, and Chronotopes: Old Concepts Reconsidered for the Mapping of Music Cultures
Today”, in Britta Sweers and Sarah H. Ross (eds.) Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity. Sheffield
UK/Bristol CT: Equinox Publishing Ltd. 2020, 19-34.
“How we got into ‘authenticity’ and ‘originality’ thinking, and why we should find a way out of it”, in Thomas
Claviez, Kornelia Imesch, Britta Sweers (Eds.), Critique of Authenticity. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press,
2010, pp. 135-158.
“Piccola filosofia del revival,” in Goffredo Plastino (ed.). La musica folk. Storia, protagonisti e documenti del
revival in Italia. Milano: Il Saggiatore, 2016, 59-106.
“The Emperor's New Clothes: Why Musicologies Do Not Always Wish to Know All They Could Know,” in Victoria
Lindsay Levine and Philip V. Bohlman. This Thing Called Music. Essays in Honor of Bruno Nettl. Lanham-
Boulder-New York-London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, 366-377.
“What Can Be Old and What Can Be New in 'Folk Music'”, in Thomas Nussbaumer (Ed.), Das Neue in der
Volksmusik in der Alpen. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2014.
“Expressing, Communicating, Sharing and Representing Grief and Sorrow with Organized Sound (Musings in
Eight Short Sentences)”, in Stephen Wild, Di Roy, Aaron Corn, and Ruth Lee Martin (eds.), Humanities
Research: One Common Thread the Musical World of Lament, Australian National University, Vol.XIX(2013),
no. 3, 3-14.
“The Windmills of my Mind – Musings about Haydn, Kant, Sonic Ecology, and Hygiene”, in Gisa Jähnichen and
Chinthaka Meddegoda (eds.), Music – Dance and Environment. Serdang: Universiti PutraMalaysia Press,
2013, 1-31.
“Italy in Music. A Sweeping (and Somewhat Audacious) Reconstruction of a Problematic Identity”, in Franco
Fabbri, Goffredo Plastino (eds). Made in Italy. Routledge Global Popular Music Series. Routledge, 2013, 17-
With Linda Barwick, “Transnational Perspectives on Italy in Australia's Musical Landscape”, in Marcello Sorce
Keller and Linda Barwick (eds.). Out of Place and Time: Italian and Australian Perspectives on Italian Music
in Australia, Lyrebird, Melbourne, 2012, 3-12.
“Neapolitan Songs for All! Musings Around a Fieldwork Experience”, in Marcello Sorce Keller and Linda Barwick
(eds.). Out of Place and Time: Italian and Australian Perspectives on Italian Music in Australia. Lyrebird,
Melbourne, 2012, 83-96.
With Linda Barwick, “Thoughts on Music and Migration”, in Marcello Sorce Keller and Linda Barwick (eds.). Out
of Place and Time: Italian and Australian Perspectives on Italian Music in Australia, Lyrebird, Melbourne,
2012, 225-232.
“Why Do We Misunderstand Today the Music of All Times and Places, and Why Do We Enjoy Doing So”, in
Barbara Haggh (ed.), Essays on Music and Culture in Honor of Herbert Kellman. Paris-Tours, Minerve, 2001,
pp. 567-574.
"Of Minority Musics, Preservation and Multiculturalism: Some Considerations," in Ursula Hemetek and Emil H.
Lubej (eds.), Echoes of Diversity, Vienna, Böhlau Verlag, 1996, pp. 33-41. Also in Sonus, XVI (1998), no.
2, pp. 33- 41.
"Reflections of Continental and Mediterranean Traditions in Italian Folk Music," in Margaret J. Kartomi and
Steven Blum ”(eds.), Music-Cultures in Contact - Convergences and Collisions, Gordon and Breach
Publishers, 1994, pp. 40-47.
“The Morricone Paradox: A Film Music Genius Who Missed Writing Symphonies”. Asian-European Music
Research Journal (AEMR). 6 (2020): 111-113.
“Do We Still Need To Think Musically? (Musings about an Old Friend, Fishing Nets, Templates, and Much
More)”. Ethnomusicology Ireland, No. 5, 2017: http://www.ictm.ie/?p=2090
“Linnaeus, Zoomusicology, Ecomusicology, and the Quest for Meaningful Categories”, Musicological Annual,
Univerza v Ljubljai, Filozofska faculteta, LII(2016), no. 2, 163-176.
“Ignored and Forgotten: Research on Jewish-Italian Music during the 19th and 20th centuries”, Forum
Italicum, Vol. XLIX(2015), No 2, 447-461.
“Continuing Opera with Other Means: Opera, Neapolitan song, and popular music among Italian immigrants
overseas”, Forum Italicum, Vol. XLIX(2015), No 3, 1-20.
“Italy in Music: A Sweeping (and Somewhat Audacious) Reconstruction of a Problematic Identity”, in Franco
Fabbri e Goffredo Plastino (eds.), Made in Italy. Studies in Popular Music. London: Routledge, 2014, 17-28.
“Expressing, Communicating, Sharing and Representing Grief and Sorrow with Organised Sound (Musings in
Eight Short Segments)”, in Stephen Wild, Di Roy, Aaron Corn and Ruth Lee Martin (eds), One Common
Thread – The Musical World of Lament – Thematic Issue of Humanities Research. Canberra, ANU
University Press, Vol. XIX, No. 3. 2013, 3-14
“The Windmills of My Mind – Musings about Haydn, Kant, Sonic Ecology, and Hygiene”, in Gisa Jähnichen and
Chintaka Meddegoda (eds.), Music-Dance-Environment. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 2013, 1-
“Zoomusicology and Ethnomusicology: A Marriage to Celebrate in Heaven.” Yearbook for Traditional Music.
XLIV(2012), 166-183.
“Was ist Musik? Einige Gründe dafür, warum wir die ‹Musik› nicht mehr als ‹Musik› bezeichnen sollten.”
Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft. XXX(2010), pp. 11-26; later appeared as “Che cosa è la musica
(e perché, forse, non dovremmo più chiamarla 'musica')”, Musica /Realtà, 2012, no. 1, 33-56.
“The Swiss-Germans in Melbourne. Some Considerations on Musical Traditions and Identity”, Schweizer
Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, Neue Folge, XXV(2005), pp. 131-154.