This website contains writings dealing with quite a variety of topics related to music. Some of them are scholarly articles, while many others are not - although they surely are not meant to be unscholarly. By that I mean, I included here several opinion pieces, and comments on historical facts, of the kind which would not be suitable for specialized journals. Scholarly journals require rather extensive and intensive treatment of the chosen subject, footnotes, bibliography, and all that does not usually attract the casual reader (the few pieces you find here that are veritable articles, appeared in professional journals, are chosen among those that in my perception might interest a wider audience).


All writings you find here, short or long that maybe are, however, “musicological” in content. But meant as they also are to be easy to read, my hope is they can show what a remarkable variety of topics musicologists are interested in. Music indeed can be approached from so many different angles, many more than one could mention off-hand in a couple of minutes. However, let us face it, not many people read books or scholarly articles in the field of musicology. Not even too many musicians do that, although one would think they should be the first to be attracted by scholarly discourse and research on the very "activity" they devote their lives to. Nowhere like in music the divide between theory and practice seems so difficult to bridge.


Maybe after reading one of my short pieces someone, a musician or "normal person", might be tempted to look for a more systematic discussion of the same topics elsewhere. That is what I like to think might happen, maybe once in a while, with a bit of luck...

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